Here are some things.

I’m not good at posting on a regular basis – I apologize to all three of you – but here are some items of note that I’d like to pass along to you, dear reader: My friend Pat Sandy did a 10 Questions with Tom interview, and you can read it here.  He is a…… Continue reading Here are some things.

“Amanda, no syndicate will ever want your stuff because of your crystal-gripping hippie handwriting.”

A friend told me this once – a friend who is also a cartoonist.  I’ve had a few years since that was said (probably like, nine years or more?) to hone it into something less spastic. It’s still under construction – always will be, I’m afraid. I bring up the subject of my less-than-desirable penmanship…… Continue reading “Amanda, no syndicate will ever want your stuff because of your crystal-gripping hippie handwriting.”